Will Holman is a designer based in Chicago who was one of the three winners in our architecture competition last year. He arrived in the Keweenaw in early August with a bag of tools and a willing spirit and spent close to a week on the island. His intention was to get a sense of the location as a basis for future collaboration. This he accomplished. Below are some of his experiences in his own words as well as photos of the frame-up of our sauna, which he helped design and build.  

+ Rabbit Island - by Will Holman

Besides architecture Will works as an assistant to artist Theaster Gates and designs furniture using found and recycled objects. He is also collaborating with us on the fabrication of an island medical kit. The perfect island medical kit–one that has everything you need and nothing you don’t.

More by Will:

+ Competition Entry

+ Design Discussion

+ Rough return to the mainland

December 4, 2012