The Rabbit Island Mixtape. This is a list of works that have come from the northern Michigan community or relate in some way to the spirit of our project. Over the last few summers many of them have set the tone on the island. A few are fresh discoveries that we decided to take a chance on. Three of the tracks were recorded live on Rabbit Island this past August (one by Graham Parsons and two by Chris Bathgate and friends). As island ideas move along we hope that songs like these will continue to set a tempo rooted as much in the past as in the future and begin to symbolize an ethic that is evolving to address ideas that are much larger than 91 acres. The last track, Finlandia, is significant regionally because of the strong Finnish in the blood of many locals. Historically the composition represented the idea of quintessential Finnish Sisu that inspired resistance of the Russians during the Winter War of 1939-40. We like to think of it, however, in a context that moves beyond nationalism to a time when works like this are inspired by issues even more fundamentally classic than country–sustainability, the balance of liberty and environment, the wise application of creative energy, etc. So that is how we have appropriated it and that is how it should be listened to. It is a beautiful work. We can’t link a direct download to the playlist unfortunately because we aren’t, well, iTunes, but you can download the tracks directly from the artists if you like.
1. Rabbit Island Harmonica Song by Bob and Rob Gorski
2. Kate, if You’re Listening by Steppin In It
3. Laughing River by Greg Brown
4. When I Go by Graham Parsons**
5. Run Off by Breathe Owl Breathe
6. For the Widows in Paradise by Sufjan Stevens
7. Spirit of Memory by the Soil and the Sun
8. Wildwood Flower by David Grisman
9. Two Little Feet by Greg Brown
10. North by Small Houses
11. Spring by Gratiot Lake Road
12. The Second Hand Waltz by Steppin’ In It
13. Sugarwine by Red Tail Ring
14. Everything (Overture) by Chris Bathgate**
15. Cold Press Rail by Chris Bathgate**
16. Lake Superior Fireball by the Muldoons
17. Last Winter in the Copper Country by Steppin’ in It
18. Finlandia op. 26 by Jean Sibelius
** Recorded live of Rabbit Island, August, 2011